Šamane, from Tampere, Finland, moves timelessly along the dark halls of cold alternative rock, grieving tones and mesmeric soundscapes. The band’s third full-length album Solstice was released on the 12th of April 2024 via Last Day of the North.

The Tampere three-piece has been building a distinctive, immersive sound of their own since their formation in 2017. After releasing their first two albums, Kaukana virtaa Eufrat (2019) and Šamane (2020), the band now submerges deeper into the depths of their creative ocean on their most imaginative album to date.

Saara Šamane  VOCALS & BASS
Aleksi Kiiskilä  GUITAR & OUD
Otto Heino  DRUMS
"Pitkiin säveliin, toisteisuuteen ja ambient-tunnelmiin nojaava materiaali vaatii keskittymistä ja rituaalin ääreen rauhoittumista. Kaikki tuo kuitenkin kannattaa, sillä Solstice tarjoilee portteja, joiden läpi kulkea kohti omaa sisäistä avaruutta – tai jotain kaikkia meitä yhdistävää totuutta."
Inferno Magazine
"This is a wonderfully constructed, elegiac record with which to calm the troubled mind and soul and one which I would have no hesitation in recommending. A truly fantastic aural experience."
The Sleeping Shaman
"Šamane draws influence for her music from the literal ground she walks on and the connection it brings her to her ancestors and kin. Her music is reminiscent of Björk, if Björk had any genuine appeal to metal fans."
New Noise Magazine

Šamane: Se itkee sadetta (Music Video)

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